Sant'Anna: symbol of freedom and independence for the city of Florence!

Saint Anne is the protector of expectant women, who turn to her to obtain from God three favors: a happy birth, a healthy child and the milk to raise him

But Florence on 26 July remember her because in 1343, the city was freed from the French Gualtieri di Brienne who was driven from Palazzo Vecchio, where he managed to escape through a secret passage still called "the gate of Gualtieri".

Ten months earlier he had been called to govern the city in continuous struggle between Guelphs and Ghibellines, but his attitude was not even liked by those who had supported him and who now wanted to eliminate him.

So on the day of Sant'Anna he managed to escape and the Florentines saw the Saint as liberator and dedicated the Church of Orsanmichele and that of S.Carlo dei Lombardi. Since then every year the City celebrates this figure to remember the event.

A sculpture that represents it can be seen inside the church of Orsanmichele, a few days decorated with the flags of the Arts, the representatives of the city will parade through the streets of the center accompanied by the parade Historical that follows the most important events.

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