A pitcher to hold blue gold!
A pitcher to hold blue gold!
Mery Barrasso

On the world day dedicated to the water, our thoughts go to all those who in 2021 do not yet have access to clean water: a common good should not be wasted but safeguarded! We need to learn how to collect and reuse water just like our grandparents did and so we remember seeing at their home beautiful and precious jugs, part of our tradition: furniture of our homes and our tables. When we prepare a table, remember to put not only glasses but also pitchers for water or any other beverage. All accessories that should not be missing in...
The coffee cup: is there a perfect one?
Mery Barrasso

The original cups from the East are produced in Europe since 1400, the traditional china are now produced in various materials such as glass, ceramic Around the middle of the eighteenth century in England it was Wedgwood to invent a very resistant material similar to the majolica (creamware) and the coffee cup. The name is due to an Italian painter Tazzini who loved the Art Noveau and he was responsible for the modern design and the addition of the handle. The cup is a circular container to which is usually added a handle and combined with a saucer of the...